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Saturday, June 20, 2009

Since when do we follow Russia?

Not sure what an American Czar is? Head over to AmeriKad: What?? and find out.
I don't know about you, but America has never (and should never) follow in the steps of Russia. What is this we're hearing about American Czars??? The very idea that Obama can create a position with so much control, power, and leverage, that answers to no one but him is ridiculous. And scary.
America doesn't need more government influence. The government didn't do much to prevent this economic slump from happening, and hasn't done much to make it better. What we need is a grassroots movement created by the people to help bolster the local economy. Economic recovery isn't going to come from the federal government, it's going to come from local movements, local governments. The federal government needs to take a step back and let the people who know best take over.
America has never had, and never will have a "ruler" or a "czar" for anything. Czar implies tyrant, ruler, monarch. We don't need a monarch. We don't need someone to tell us that the economy sucks. We don't need someone to force us to buy veggies, and punish us for buying junk food by raising the taxes on chips and candy. We don't need a czar who forces Detroit to produce more green cars, which results in the company failing because no one wants to spend the extra 6 grand for a smaller car.
What we need the federal government to do, is support local governments in their recovery efforts, and stop treating us like mindless consumers. And for once, tell the truth, don't skirt around the issue with fancy talk and large words. I can beef up my vocabulary just as easily, but it still means the same thing, and in the case of the Obama administration, all that's coming out of their mouths is baby talk. Let's get some real answers and real solutions.
What's your opinion? I'd love to hear from you!

Too much power???

If you don't know much about the Federal Reserve, head over to AmeriKad: What?? and get all the details.

So let's talk about the Federal Reserve. Obama has decided that the Federal Reserve needs even more power than it already has. Two problems with this; it circumvents our system of checks and balances, and it concentrates too much power in the hands of an organization which has already proven to be irresponsible.

Checks and balances. Our founding fathers had the forethought to include this system as a deterrent to totalitarianism, monarchy, tyranny, communism, socialism, fascism, etc. Why would we want to make obsolete something that not only works, but also keeps us safe?

As it relates to the Federal Reserve, the Obama administration is suggesting that we give the Federal Reserve increased legal powers. Problem one with this, is that the Federal Reserve would answer only to the President in regards to these new powers. Also, these new powers give the Federal Reserve major influence in every major industry in America. Automotive, consumer goods, health care, banking, and more. Our Constitution is written in such a way that it prevents the federal government from having too much power over private businesses. GM, and General Electric are large businesses that would now be under the control of the federal government. Our founding fathers created a capitalistic society for a reason, and specifically stated that the government should have no more control/power/input over the people as is absolutely necessary for civilized society. They said this for a reason.

And finally number two, the Federal Reserve is in charge of the federal government's monetary and economic policy. They give suggestions to Congress and to the President regarding what needs to be down to keep the economy intact. Clearly, given the current economic slump, the Federal Reserve cannot live up to this responsibility. Let's just take a step back, and instead of giving the gov't more power, let's take some power away. My bet, is that the sooner we shrink the government's influence, the sooner our economy will heal.

What's your opinion? Post now!


American Thinker: Liberals: Wolves in Sheep's Clothing

American Thinker: Liberals: Wolves in Sheep's Clothing

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American Thinker: 'Freedom Fighters' and the American President

American Thinker: 'Freedom Fighters' and the American President

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Let's Talk About Acorn

If you don't know what Acorn is, our you don't know what the issue surrounding Acorn is, visit AmeriKad: What??.

There is only so much we can say about Acorn. To me, it is obvious that President Obama is slowing down the voter fraud investigation on purpose. He has political and personal ties to the organization, and it would look bad for him and for his administration if Acorn proved to ce as corrupt as we think it is.

I'm not going to say that Obama wouldn't have become president without Acorn, because there really isn't enough verifiable evidence to give an educated opinion about. However, I will say that if continues to be proven that Acorn purposefully and knowingly committed voter fraud, then its safe to say that the whole of the Obama administration will be under even more scrutiny.

Quite honestly, I'm surprised congress has allowed this to get as far as it has. We've known for quite some time now that Acorn may be responsible for voter fraud, and yet where are the developments in the investigation. We haven't heard any conclusive evidence, nor have we been given any reason to believe that the Obama administration is planning on continuing to investigate to the fullest extent of the law. If this was Bush postponing an investigation, the media and the people would be all over this. But no, the ominicient Obama is too perfect to critize. Sorry, but I'm not buying it.

The Obama has been talking alot about transparency. I say it's time we get some. Have they ever heard the saying "actions speak louder than words"? It appears not. Lets finish this investigation, and lets release the results to the people.

Although this seems just too much for Congress to handle. They're too busy attending Acorn's 39th Anniversary Party.

Enough is enough guys. As American citizens, we need to demand that our government take the legal steps necessary to indict Acorn, to stop funding them, and to prevent them from ever committing voter fraud again.

What do you think? Post your opinions, and let me know.


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I'm a patriot, and a moderate conservative. But my political views pale next to my fierce loyalty to my country. If you love your country, you'll love my blog.