Okay, so I know I'm not the only one with an issue about what I've been seeing in the news recently. Quite honestly, enough is enough. We are American's. We need to stand up to defend our freedom, our beliefs, and our values. Nobody wants the Federal Reserve to become Big Brother. Or perhaps it would be more accurate to say that Obama is becoming Big Brother. Sorry, but I sure as hell am not going to take this lying down. Let's go over some key points, so we can settle what's been going on here.
1. National Healthcare - Nobody wants this. You may think you do, but you don't. National Healthcare would mean taking the choice out of our security. Healthcare is a commodity, not a right. Nowhere in our Constitution does it say that our government has control over healthcare. Our Constitution also doesn't mention healthcare as right. If we make Healthcare a government service, the government essentially has a monopoly on our security, on our health, on our lives. Not only is this not okay, this is wrong. This is illegal. No way around this guys, sorry.
2. Corporate Bailouts - I don't know about you, but we the tax payers didn't sign up for this. We pay our taxes in good faith, only to have our alleged representatives give it away to companies that have cheated more than their fair share of our country's GDP. Sorry, but America is a capitalist country, and proud of it. You sink or swim on your own terms, it's not for the government to bail you our when you screw up. You don't see the government bailing out Joe the Plumber, or other small business men who are just as affected by the economic blow out. No matter how you spin this, corporate bailouts are irresponsible and unjustifiable.
3. ACORN - Not much I can say about this that Glenn Beck hasn't already said. Unfortunately, the country just isn't getting it about this organization. They have committed voter fraud. Anyone with half a brain can see this. But on top of the voter fraud, yes there is something worse, ACORN is taking money from us and using it to manipulate our government, and control our country. Anyone who wants to learn more about the atrocities committed by ACORN should head to glennbeck.com. Very reliable source.
4. Media Bias - with the exception of FoxNews and the Weather Channel, all media outlets have a heavily liberal bias. Anyone who is interested in getting the facts won't find them at ABC or NBC. The only honest place left is Fox. Again, not much to say on this subject either. It is what it is, and the only thing we can do about it is realize what's going on, and not allow the self-serving pathetic excuses for news outlets influence our opinions and actions.
5. Obama - I don't even know what to say about this. I'm going to leave it up to you guys. But really, anyone whose paying attention to the current political climate can see that Obama is a socialist. His talk about transparency is just that; transparent. Substanceless. Completely translucent. And a load a crap. He made a promise for change, and he's certainly come through. Although no American in their right mind would support his form of "change."
Okay guys, I'd love to hear what you all think. Those of you who disagree, I do hope you post. Because this is America, and because I'm a true American, I do respect everyone's opinion. Just because I may disagree with you, doesn't mean you opinion isn't valued.
Topic for next blog: What does it mean to be an American? Specifically, I will be discussing the phrase "No Duty to Retreat" and the "Crises" essays by Thomas Paine, and their relation to today's Americans. Anyone with an opinion on this topic is welcome to comment. Thanks for your opinions!!!
Carteresque: Joe Biden Said Israeli Hostages Released by Hamas Terrorists
Appeared to Be 'in Good Health'
Photo Credit:Gaza hostages freed as terrorists dance around
cbc video youtube
The last poor judgment of a flawed judge of character.